About us
Ekklesia (ek-klay-SEE'-ah)
WHEN: Quarterly on the 3rd Sunday of the Month at 6pm
WHERE: Room #150 in the Stevenson Academic Building (Subject to change. See website for directions each month.)
WHO: Contact Reeve Lively – reeve@theregenerationchurch.com | 559-317-5737OR Matt Valencia – matt@theregenerationchurch.com | 831-222-0122
WHAT: Food, music, teaching from scripture, discussion and Q & A
INFO: www.ekklesiaUCSC.org
WHO: Contact Reeve Lively – reeve@theregenerationchurch.com | 559-317-5737OR Matt Valencia – matt@theregenerationchurch.com | 831-222-0122
WHAT: Food, music, teaching from scripture, discussion and Q & A
INFO: www.ekklesiaUCSC.org
SHARING THE GOOD NEWS OF JESUS THROUGH HOSPITALITY, TEACHING, AND PERSONAL EXPLORATION On the first Sunday evening of every month, at 6:00pm, starting on October 16th 2022, we would be honored to have you join us in Classroom Unit 1 for:
- A delicious meal
- A thoughtful teaching from the authoritative words of Jesus
- A meaningful time for text message Q&A to a panel regarding the meaning of his words
- A safe space to ask your spiritual questions and get a straight answer from the word of God
Who’s on the invite list?
Everyone! This is where you go to ask an honest question and get a straight answer directly from scripture. Not someone’s opinion, what it says, what it means, and why it matters. There are many religious clubs and bible studies on campus, and we would encourage you to find the one that fits your spiritual quest the best. We are intentionally casting a broader net of inclusion and diversity across all expressions of faith, and even those who hold to ‘no faith’ in Santa Cruz. This is a place where you will be surprised to learn that you can get your questions answered in an arena of love and respect. We offer this hospitality with a sense of humility and a deep spiritual resolve that says there should be a place on campus where people can come and respectfully ask their questions, hear stories, and learn from those who are followers of Jesus and students of the Bible.
The Ekklesia is where curious students from a Christian background, from all faiths, no faith tradition, and all walks of life, can come together to enjoy one another’s company, hear the Good News and have our questions answered. Are you ready for a refreshing dialogue with others who may not be on the same faith journey as you, but are willing to answer your questions with honesty and respect? The university experience is where you should be able to explore propositional truth and open yourself up to learning more and experiencing more. The teaching won’t be dry theology. It will come from a real person, with a real-life personal testimony of being eternally impacted by the words of Jesus. We will always elevate the words of Jesus and scripture. We will also cover ancient Christian confessions like the Apostles Creed and the Nicene Creed. We will share how many Christians think theologically about hot topics like politics, the environment, racial and ethnic issues, human sexuality, and truth. Together, we’ll explore what the Bible says about origins, meaning, morality, destiny, love, the problem of pain and suffering, shame, and the source of true freedom.
The goal isn’t just knowledge about Jesus, but to get to know Jesus and how he answers the deepest longings of the human soul for flourishing. We hope to develop a vibrant community that can begin to meet both spiritual and practical needs of those living in Santa Cruz County. We all want to live lives of purpose and value, and the best gift you can give is yourself! We’re better, together. Our prayer is that this collaboration will strengthen all the faith-based clubs at UCSC, that people would exercise faith, and that this would be a safe place to develop community with others from all walks of life. Come and see!
We value freedom of belief
We are definitely people of faith and conviction. It is that very faith and resolve that causes us to treat other people with love and respect. Jesus taught us to love our neighbors as ourselves, so that's what we endeavor to do! Jesus was full of grace AND truth.
Our Team
Matt Valencia
Campus Pastor
Reeve Lively
Worship & Assistant Pastor
Jeremae Reyes
Kenny Sahagun